Missing Teeth Increase The Risk Of Insomnia

sleep problems

A Study: Missing Teeth & Sleep Problems

According to a new Japanese study, those who care better for their teeth are less likely to suffer from any insomnia-related problems or sleep apnea.

The research published in the journal of sleep medicine discovered that patients who had fewer missing teeth experienced less-than-optimal insomnia.

The cause of this is missing teeth and how they affect the tongue’s ability to rest properly in the mouth.

Therefore, researchers have concluded that the inability of the tongue to rest is compromised by missing teeth, which can cause sleep apnea.

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Diving into the details

Researchers from Tohoku University conducted a study on 23,444 elderly participants who were randomly selected. The average age was 73.

“The finding that older adults with fewer teeth had both shorter and longer sleep durations indicate that these individuals may be suffering from OSA,” they wrote.

The study uncovered that elderly people with less than 10 teeth more often than not get the recommended seven hours of sleep per night.

Some, according to researchers, only get four hours of sleep a night.

The particular age group of the over 60s are particularly vulnerable.

Missing tooth solutions

Whether you suffer from this problem, finding any missing teeth solution can be difficult. However, after long research, we’ve sourced the best dental clinic for resolving this issue, they provide multiple procedures and treatment options available to deal with missing teeth.

Leaving you feeling happy and confident about your smile again!

Time to visit the dentist?

The researchers also made the point that to prevent tooth-related obstructive sleep apnea, it’s critical for people of all ages to implement correct dental habits.

More than this, if you have a missing tooth, it’s recommended to get this replaced with advanced treatments like dental implants to avoid an array of detrimental health consequences.

If you experience tooth loss with several teeth and are worried there is nothing that can be done to help you, you might want to check out procedures like all on four, which can replace missing teeth in one go, and in just one day.

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